EVTC Spotlight
Meetings & Conferences
February 9-11, 2016 | SAE 2016 Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technologies Symposium | Anaheim, CA
March 31 - April 1, 2016 | 2016 UTC Conference for the Southeast | Knoxville, TN
May 2-5, 2016 | Alternative Clean Transportation Expo | Long Beach, CA
June 27-29, 2016 | iTEC 2016 | Dearborn, MI
July 20-21, 2016 | EV Roadmap 9 | Portland, OR
October 18-19, 2016 | EV Summit | Cocoa, FL
EVTC's EV Transportation & Technology Summit
The Electric Vehicle Transportation Center hosted three days of meetings with key EV stakeholders at the Florida Solar Energy Center, October 20-22, 2015. The EV Transportation and Technology Summit focused on transportation planning and infrastructure requirements needed to support the adoption of many forms of electric vehicles. The Summit provided an update on the current state of EV deployment, technology and planning. Response to the Summit was very positive, with 100% of survey responses agreeing that EVTC should hold another Summit; so planning is underway for a second EV Summit, which is scheduled for October 18-19, 2016.
The Summit speaker list represented a broad cross-section of those involved in the deployment of electric vehicles and included, Ashley Horvat (PlugShare), Kristine Williams (Center for Urban Transportation Research) and Christian Ruoff (Charged Magazine). We believe the speakers provide a thorough understanding of the benefits and challenges to the broad adoption of all forms of electric vehicles. Representatives from the Department of Energy, Florida DOT, utility companies and others also provided their vision of the future of electric transportation. EVTC also conducted the EVTC Electric Vehicle Market & Technology Workshop as part of the EV Summit. The Summit and workshop provided an opportunity for students of engineering, planning and other disciplines to learn about EVs.
PDFs of all Summit and workshop presentations can be viewed at the Summit and EVTC websites. Videos of the presentations are being posted by Zachary Shahan on the CleanTechnica website. Zachary is the director and editor of CleanTechnica and was also a Summit presenter. The videos can be seen at: http://cleantechnica.com/tag/ev-transportation-technology-summit/
EVTC Profile: Dr. Prakash Sharma - Professor, Tuskegee University
Dr. Prakash Sharma is Professor and Head of the Physics Department at Tuskegee University and has 40 years of teaching experience. Dr. Sharma is EVTC's Principle Investigator at Tuskegee, he manages project flow and helps connect Tuskegee University students and the K-12 Tuskegee public school systems through outreach educational activities. Professor Sharma has received many awards for his education, research and service activities at Tuskegee University. Some of these awards include the Gardner Award for Excellence in field of Science in Alabama, Alabama Academy of Science and the Faculty Achievement Award, Tuskegee University. Dr. Sharma has more than 75 peer reviewed publications and is also an editorial board member of the Alabama Academy of Sciences.
Tuskegee University EVTC Day
EVTC partner Tuskegee University held its second EVTC Day on October 6th at Tomkins Hall on the university’s campus. The goal of the event was to enrich and inspire students in the Macon County School System through technology competitions and awards, and through presentations by Alabama Power, Auburn University, EVTC and others.
The event was separated into three sessions. The first session consisted of students from Tuskegee Public School, Tuskegee Institute Middle School, and Booker T. Washington High School competing in a “Make-a-Simple-Motor” competition. The second session included awards and grants received by students and faculty, and a review the goals and achievements of the EVTC project.
The final session combined demonstrations of Alabama Power provided electric vehicles and the use of renewable energy to power these vehicles, as well as electric vehicle rides for the students. This session was attended by 250 students and guests. More information is available at the EVTC website, http://evtc.fsec.ucf.edu/education/STEM/index.html
University of Hawaii EVTC Researcher Will Offer Battery Diagnostics Course
In recent years, the number of studies dealing with the degradation of commercial cells has dramatically increased. Many of these studies include an experimental design that is extremely well planned, however the presentation of the results often lacks the desired in-depth understanding of the degradation modes behind the observed capacity fade and impedance changes. Two techniques have emerged (or re-emerged) in recent years: the incremental capacity analysis (ICA) and the differential voltage analysis (DVA). Both techniques have been proven to be extremely powerful in helping to determine the degradation modes and were validated numerous times against post mortem analysis.
Dr. Matthieu Dubarry will teach a day-long course on battery diagnosis via differential techniques at the upcoming ECS/PRIME meeting, which will be held in Honolulu in October 2016. The proposed short class will include a historical background and a detailed overview of the principles and limitations of the both methods. There will also be a presentation of the impact of the major degradation modes, and the review of several case studies of a selection of conventional chemistries (e.g. graphite, Li4Ti5O12, LiCoO2, LiMn2O4, or LiFePO4). The last part of the class will be interactive and feature a live analysis using a Matlab-based toolbox. The course description can be found at http://evtc.fsec.ucf.edu/resources/documents/Dubarry_ShortCourse_2016.pdf. Information about registration will be available in the near future on Electrochemical Society website, http://www.electrochem.org/meetings/biannual/fut_mtgs.htm
EVTC Website Update
EVTC staff recently completed an update of EVTC research project descriptions. Individual project web pages highlight the project's objective, provide a brief description and also outline the results and their impacts and benefits. A listing of reports and papers associated with the individual project. Navigate to http://evtc.fsec.ucf.edu/research/ to access a list of all EVTC projects.
Papers, reports, presentations and other publications by EVTC faculty and researchers are routinely added to our website. Currently, there are over 50 publications that can provide valuable and interesting information on everything from EV life-cycle assessments to the role of EVs in Smart Grid applications. A list of all EVTC publications can be found at: http://evtc.fsec.ucf.edu/publications/.
Below is list of publications added during the last half of 2015.
Drive Electric Orlando Adds 14 Chevy Volts to Rental Fleet
Drive Electric Orlando, Enterprise Rent-A-Car and business and community leaders teamed up to announce the major new addition to Enterprise's local rental fleet in late September. Officials from Visit Orlando, the Orange County Convention Center and local theme parks and hotels joined Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer in making the announcement.
Drive Electric Orlando is a consumer education and vehicle demonstration project that provides visitors to Orlando, Florida with a first-hand experience of the benefits of EVs through the availability of rental EVs. Drive Electric Orlando significantly reduces the anxiety that may accompany renting an EV by providing an enhanced level of engagement with the customer, including a detailed understanding of the operation of the EV and the reassurance that comes with the knowledge that free vehicle charging is available at partner host hotels and theme parks. Rental of the EV is supported by a network of electric vehicle charging stations at hotels and theme parks throughout the region, as well as the City of Orlando's extensive urban EV charging infrastructure. Drive Electric Orlando recently received a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to expand its EV car rental program. EVTC and Clean Cities staff will assist in the program expansion.
Useful Links

Tesla taxi on duty in Portland, Oregon.
Not as expensive as you might think, they don't have to pay the petroleum surcharge that ICE taxis have to pay! Photo Credit: Doug Kettles |
EVTC's website includes a complete listing of all EVTC information, research projects, reports and staff.
Visit the U.S. Department of Energy's Alternative Fuels Data Center site for information on electric vehicles.
This site provides information about the UTC centers, publications and external links related to transportation education and training sites.
See the schedule of conferences and webinars hosted by the Transportation Research Board (TRB).
ANSI serves as a coordinator for the development of EVSE and PEV standards by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and many others.
Advanced Vehicle Testing (AVTA). Visit this site for extensive EV related data, research and development programs.
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